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Figure Families: Circle Eights

  • 7 giorni
  • 35 step

This online program provides an overview of Figures 1-4 and is written for coaches, skaters, and the general public. It is presented as an overview, guide, and tool for universal principles—inviting collaboration—to provide an introduction to the disciplines of Figures. It is supported by references and source materials originally published in print and online by the US Amateur Confederation of Roller Skating (now USARS). COACH'S NOTE I'm choosing to write in a colloquial, approachable tone. This is a living resource for the general public—meaning, candid collaboration is paramount and updates will be made periodically. You can contact me at any time via our site's chat to provide feedback. I will be publishing these online programs in English and French, languages I speak and write at the native level, as well as in Italian, German, and Spanish—languages in which I am comfortable communicating but not a native speaker. As such, some materials may be referenced from materials provided by National Governing Bodies of other countries. #ViveLaLouisiane :) LANGUAGE NOTE (Quiz coming!) "Obbligatorio" is Italian for what US anglophones (English speakers) refer to as "School Figures" Cerchi is Italian for circles (singular: Cerchio) and refers to "Figure Circles" in English. "Boccole" (singular: boccola) is Italian for "Loops" —not to be confused with "boccolo" or "boccoli" which refers to hair—meaning: ringlet(s), curl(s)).

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