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Learn to skate with #TeamUSA

Roller Louisiane's skating classes are designed by our two head coaches, Brian Clary and Jenna Guidry, both of whom are decorated Team USA athletes and official coaches with USA Roller Sports.


Both coaches welcome beginners, novices, and experienced athletes (Example: Derby). Both coaches teach all ages, albeit sometimes with parental help. 

So, which coach/program is right for you?

Roller Speed Skating is an official roller sport known as Speed and referenced as such by both World Skate and USA Roller Sports at the Olympic, International, National, Regional, and Local levels. This sport is conducted on specialized tech (inlines) while quad speed skating remains historically and today one of the most popular sports among another 11 official roller sports recognized by World Skate, which is an organization that currently serves as the International Sports Federation ("IF") in its relationship to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), both of which are based in Lausanne, Switzerland. 

Roller Figure Skating is an official roller sport known as Artistic and referenced as such by both World Skate and USA Roller Sports at the Olympic, International, National, Regional, and Local levels. This sport remains historically and today one of the most popular sports among another 11 official roller sports recognized by World Skate, which is an organization that currently serves as the international sports federation ("IF") in its relationship to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), both of which are based in Lausanne, Switzerland. 

Artistic skating classes provide three levels of learning: C1, C2, and C3. 

Ranks & Badges.

Ranks are distinct from other [site member] Badges because Ranks are associated with our club's Programmes: Classes, Testing, and Athletics. 


Whether you're a beginner, novice, or experienced, each student starts with the rank of C1 and is assigned all C1 Class Elements, which start with best practices and include all forward-skating elements. Once a C1 Student has successfully demonstrated all C1 Elements, the C1 Student can graduate and join our club's C1 Alumni or continue on as a C2

Our Team.


As an official roller sports club with USA Roller Sports, our coaches and club, Roller Louisiane, are recognized by and registered with all levels of all governing bodies of roller sports and Olympic athletics.

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Both of Roller Louisiane's official sports—Artistic and Speed—are just two among the world's most popular roller sports—both in terms of audience turnout and athlete population. Art and Speed are among another 10 of World Skate's Official Roller Sports (making a total of 12). It is important to note: There are gaps internationally and nationally for athletes of roller sports whose standard approach kept them off the list.


For example, it is important to note that in the United States, the Women's Flat Track Derby Association is by far the most widely recognized international and national sports authority for Roller Derby. Furthermore, there are numerous other roller sports not currently recognized by World Skate that are in fact recognized by National Sports Federations ("NFs") such as USA Roller Sports. Examples include Jam Skating, which USA Roller Sports refers to as "Culture Roll." Meanwhile, if Instagram popularity counts, post counts confirm that Rhythm Skating (or simply 'Rhythm') and its athletes have a dog or dozen in the fight.​​

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