Cushions are fundamental and must be maintained for a maximum state of efficiency. These elastomer cushions are compatible with Roll-Line's Energy frame (discontinued). Cushion colors are determined by the athlete's body weight, not the buyer's preference.
• VERDE (green): 25-35 kg (55-77 lbs)
• GRIGIO (grey): 36-45 kg (78-100 lbs)
• AZZURRO (light blue): 46-55 kg (101-120 lbs)
• TRASPARENTE (clear): 56-70 kg (121-154 lbs)
• GIALLO (yellow): 70+ kg (155+ lbs)
You are advised against replacing any cushions before any upcoming competition (>1 week). Click here to view Roll-Line's video tutorial.
Energy: Elastomer Cushions
SKU: sosp-elast-energy
Colors • Couleurs • Colori • Farben • Colores